With great power comes great struggle, remove that and you drop to a level of 12 year old making first ever fanfic, IMHO. Making it just 'you're Twilight 2.0, totally awsum and radikal, and nothing unexpected/bad/problematic will ever come out of it' is not good story, it is writing the other Twilight with sparkly vampires that got Sueish upgrades thrown at them as the plot and author's whim demanded. 'Twilight was upgraded by Celestia', mostly without consent or information? Well, in good story, that should make some splash in the pond. They can be conquerable in the end, but if they are absent, the story is just not there.
If hero is making a choice, there should be repercussions to it, costs to be paid. You know, I had some new thoughts on this matter in the light of Equestria Girls and Comic #9, but since these wouldn't interest anyone (talking about ponies? In this thread? What crazy idea was that? ) I'd only say well written story to me has one thing - consequence. It's much more realistic, IMHO, than wishful thinking that somehow everything will be okay, mostly through grasping at whatever spell can 'fix' stuff.
Yeah, it's comic someone did for laughs, but still.